Product Materials Offering — Planterworx

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987 Essex Street
Brooklyn, NY, 11208
United States




Planterworx Materials


Planterworx has carefully selected the material offerings for our products. Not only have the materials been chosen for their beauty, but have been championed for their performance and sustainability. Planterworx products are offered in corten steel, powder coated aluminum and stainless steel.

Corten Steel

Corten steel, also known as weathering steel, provides warm rich textures not always associated with metal. Beautiful earthy hues compliment any environment. Initially weathering steel was developed for bridge and skyscraper construction where a high tensile strength material was necessary with little or no ability to maintain the area.

Planterworx products are typically manufactured from ASTM A-588 and A-606 alloys.

The patina or rust acts as a protective barrier. Weathering steel has a reactive period from 3 to 9 months depending on location and climate. Weathering steel products produce carbon run off or staining to adjacent materials like stone and concrete.

The stone and concrete can be cleaned with a carbon pacifier to remove any residual run off. After the initial reactive period, weathering steel will cure and self seal with very little to no carbon run off. The patination process occurs when water is introduced to the material. To achieve a faster result, weathering steel should be watered and left to dry in the sun. The continued evaporation and introduction of water will accelerate the patination process.

Typically, a .500” space between the face of any weathering steel product and an adjacent material will mitigate carbon runoff by creating a drainage plane. This is a common detail amongst our retaining wall, planting bed and edging systems. 


Corten Steel | Planterworx

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel offers a sleek modern aesthetic with highly durable properties. Perfect for any heavily trafficked, civic or institutional environment. Stainless steel is one of the world’s most durable and strong materials with excellent corrosion resistance.

It is typically 70% recycled and 100% recyclable. Stainless steel products can be offered in a satin brush or an NDSF (non directional satin finish) based on scale, configuration and order quantity. Planterworx products are typically manufactured from ASTM A-240,T-304 Alloy.

Planterworx also manufactures stainless products in T-316L Alloy upon request. Additional fees may apply. In a coastal environment, Planterworx strongly recommends T-316L material due to its higher corrosion resistance 


Aluminum offers an extremely refined product that is light weight with both high strength and durable properties. Aluminum planter products are ideal for any on structure installation as it is 60% lighter, compared to it’s stainless and weathering steel counterparts. It typically contains 85% recycled content* and is 100% recyclable. Planterworx products are typically manufactured from ASTM B-209, 5052 Alloy. Aluminum products are offered in a polyester based architectural / marine grade powder coat finish. Planterworx is capable of providing any RAL color selection.


Powder Coating is an advanced method of applying a dry decorative and protective finish. The electrostatic charged powder is a mixture of pigments and bonding agents positively charged and sprayed on to a negatively charged grounded planter.

The charged powder adheres to the grounded planter and is melted and fused into a solid coating in a curing oven. This results in a unique, high quality and durable finish. The powder coating process does not produce any VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compound’s) and has a 100% recoupable over spray.


RAL is an international standard that allows manufactures worldwide to associate a color to a number. The RAL number is typically inclusive of the finish unlike liquid paint. Not all RAL colors are available in a matte finish. We are happy to work with you for the appropriate color and finish for your project.

*The Aluminum Association’s LEED Fact Sheet for aluminum in sheet & plate for the building and construction market.